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微软AI https://blogs.microsoft.com/ai/feed/
微软亚研 https://www.msra.cn/feed
pytorch blog https://pytorch.org/blog/
meta AI blog https://ai.facebook.com/blog/
google ai blog https://ai.googleblog.com/
OpenAI blog https://openai.com/blog/
DeepMind blog https://deepmind.com/blog
美团技术团队 https://tech.meituan.com/feed/
知乎每日精选 https://www.zhihu.com/rss
码农场 https://www.hankcs.com/feed/
Yong’s Blog https://yongyuan.name/blog/feed.xml
Jay Alammar’s Blog http://jalammar.github.io/
算法之道 https://www.deeplearn.me/
Andrej Karpathy blog https://karpathy.github.io/
Sebastian Ruder https://ruder.io/rss/index.rss
Jason Brownlee https://machinelearningmastery.com/blog/
distill https://distill.pub/
BAIR Blog https://bair.berkeley.edu/blog/
colah’s blog http://colah.github.io/
inFERENCe https://www.inference.vc/
Pete Warden https://petewarden.com/
Jeremy Jordan https://www.jeremyjordan.me/
Graduate Descent http://timvieira.github.io/blog/
Lil’Log https://lilianweng.github.io/
NVIDIA Blog https://blogs.nvidia.com/
Eric Jang https://blog.evjang.com/feeds/posts/default
Christabella Irwanto https://bella.cc/blog/
Jonty Sinai https://jontysinai.github.io/
Lei Mao https://leimao.github.io/blog/
Amit Chaudhary https://amitness.com/
Sander Dieleman https://benanne.github.io/
Guillaume Genthial https://guillaumegenthial.github.io/
Causal Analysis in Theory and Practice http://causality.cs.ucla.edu/blog/
Machine learning and learning theory research https://hunch.net/
ShusenWang https://www.youtube.com/c/ShusenWang/videos
offconvex http://www.offconvex.org/
pythonspeed https://pythonspeed.com/
huggingface https://huggingface.co/blog
wandb https://wandb.ai/fully-connected
Han Xiao https://hanxiao.io/archives/

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评论(6 条评论)
2023-09-22 05:14:07 回复

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2023-10-24 01:47:02 回复

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2023-11-01 20:49:58 回复

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2023-11-17 14:04:23 回复

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2023-11-30 06:03:08 回复

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