View From the Top: Craig Federighi



  • 非常有趣和脑洞大开的开场,很棒动画效果的演示稿
  • Sometimes inspiration comes in strange places (lol)
  • Follow your heart
  • Inherently lazy people, always looking for how can I make this easier
  • It works!
  • Working with the best people in all of these disciplines
  • Always learning something new and renew yourself


I think the most important thing to do, is to focus on doing what you love. If you’re worried about where you’re going, where this all will take you, if you’re too focused on the destination, I think you’ll miss the journey. When you do what you love, it turns out that the things you do in your spare time, like on my time, if I have a moment on the weekend, I’m gonna be reading things about programming, I’m gonna be reading things about software, or artificial intelligence, because that’s what I love! So it’s like, if you do something you love, it’s like cheating, because, all of your, your recreational time actually turns into time that helps you develop in your career. That part is super-important. (t=942s)


Q: And I’m curious, what made you different from all the other coding monks that are still like stuck in their cubicles, you know, 40 years later? How did you get to the top of like one of the best companies?

A: I have no idea. I mean, I… Luck. I mean, I think the, you know, the things I talked about, I guess, the way it, the way it felt to me along the way was I guess I had good fortune of being drawn to some interesting projects, some interesting parts of the industry that, maybe, at times didn’t look like they were necessarily the hot thing, but they were something that turned out be meaningful. I think I was always focused on, at any given time, trying to solve the right problem for the team. And when you’re working on a project, and you’re devoted to the success of the project and solving all the problems of the project, that’s where people, that’s like the point that they, that someone said, “Hey, you should manage this team.” You know, when I was an individual contributor, and they said, “You should manage this team.” I had no aspirations of management at that time. It was super-early, it seemed weird. But, it was because my focus had been not just my narrow thing, but like what can I do for the team, what are all the different problems I can solve? They said, “Oh, you should probably manage it. You seem to have this broader concern for the project.” And when I was then managing my team, but I was kinda concerned about how my project fit in with other projects, and solving that broader problem, and trying to help out here and there, they said, “Oh, you should lead this collection.” You know they kept pulling, they kept pulling me up. And at some point I’m like, what are you doing? You’re making a big mistake. But it is, I think, if you’re not too worried about getting there, but you’re just trying to do the job, at times, it turns out that people see in you, maybe, being the solution to a problem they have to solve, which is get something led. So maybe that’s it, or maybe it’s just, you know, being a high school radio DJ. I know, hard to say, hard to say. (t=2835s)


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