Gitee 推荐 | 分布式云原生平台 Kurator



Kurator is an open source distributed cloud native platform that helps users to build their own distributed cloud native infrastructure and facilitates enterprise digital transformation.

Kurator integrates popular cloud native software stacks including Karmada, KubeEdge, Volcano, Kubernetes, Istio, Prometheus, etc.
It provides powerful capabilities to multi-cloud and multi-cluster, including:

  • Multi-cloud, Edge-cloud, Edge-edge Synergy
  • Unified Resource Orchestration
  • Unified Scheduling
  • Unified Traffic Management
  • Unified Telemetry

Quick start

This guide will cover:

  • Install Kurator
  • Install Karmada and join a Kubernetes member cluster
  • Install Istio
  • Install KubeEdge and join an edge node
  • Install Volcano
  • Install Prometheus

Install Kurator

Clone this repo to your machine:

git clone

Change to the Kurator directory:

cd kurator

Build Kurator:

make kurator

An executable file named kurator will be created at out/$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH)/

Put the kurator to the executable directory:

cp out/linux-amd64/kurator /usr/bin/

Local env setup


This script will create three clusters for you, one is used to host Karmada control plane and the other two will be joined as member clusters.

Install Karmada

Install Karmada control plane:

kurator install karmada –kubeconfig=/root/.kube/kurator-host.config

Join cluster member1:

kurator join karmada member1

Join cluster member2:

kurator join karmada member2

Install Istio

kurator install istio –primary member1 –remote member2

Install KubeEdge

Install KubeEdge control plane:

kurator install kubeedge –cluster member1 –advertise-address=<ip>

Join edge node:

kurator join edge –cluster member1
–node-ip= <node ip>

Install Volcano

kurator install volcano

Install Prometheus

kurator install prometheus –primary member1


If you’re interested in being a contributor and want to get involved in
developing the Kurator code, please see CONTRIBUTING for
details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.


Kurator is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

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