KeyDB:使用 Multithreading 改善 Redis 的效能


KeyDB:使用 Multithreading 改善 Redis 的效能

Hacker News 上看到有支援 Multithreading 的 Redis fork:「KeyDB – A Multithreaded Fork of Redis (」,官網在「KeyDB – The Faster Redis Alternative」這邊。

不過這篇是要記錄從 Hacker News 看到的雷點,這樣以後自己再找資料的時候會比較容找到。

36022425 這篇是跳下去用發現不太行,最後在 application 端實作需要的 feature,後端還是用原廠的 Redis:

To counter what the other active business said, we tried using KeyDB for about 6 months and every fear you concern you stated came true. Numerous outages, obscure bugs, etc. Its not that the devs aren’t good, its just a complex problem and they went wide with a variety of enhancements. We changed client architecture to work better with tradition Redis. Combined with with recent Redis updates, its rock solid and back to being an after-thought rather than a pain point. Its only worth the high price if it solves problems without creating worse ones. I wish those guys luck but I wont try it again anytime soon.

* its been around 2 years since our last use as a paying customer. YMMV.

另外是在專案裡搜尋「is:open is:issue label:”Priority 1″」的結果可以看到不太妙,在 36021108 這邊有提到的問題:

Filed July, eventually marked priority 1 in early December, not a single comment or signs of fix on it since. That doesn’t look good at all.

然後 36020184 有提到 Snap 買進去後沒有什麼在管 open source project 的部分了:

I think I’ll stay far away from this thing anyway. Numerous show-stopper bug reports open and there hasn’t been a substantial commit on the main branch in at least a few weeks, and possibly months. I’ll be surprised if Snap is actually paying anybody to work on this.

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