Georgi Gerganov 成立公司 GGML


Georgi Gerganov 成立公司 GGML

Hacker News 首頁上看到 Georgi Gerganov 成立公司的計畫:「GGML – AI at the Edge (」,官網在「GGML – AI at the edge」。

如同 Georgi Gerganov 提到的,llama.cpp 這些專案本來是他的 side project,結果意外的紅起來:

I’ve started a company:

From a fun side project just a few months ago, ggml has now become a useful library and framework for machine learning with a great open-source community

— Georgi Gerganov (@ggerganov) June 6, 2023

另外他提到了 Nat FriedmanDaniel Gross 也幫了一把:

I’m incredibly grateful to @natfriedman and @danielgross for the support & funding and also for helping me get inspired even more in this project

There is still a long way ahead with many ideas to try and cool things to do. Hope you will join and help us create something useful!

— Georgi Gerganov (@ggerganov) June 6, 2023

在官網則是有提到是 pre-seed funding: is a company founded by Georgi Gerganov to support the development of ggml. Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross provided the pre-seed funding.

現在回頭來看,當初 llama.cpp 會紅起來主要是因為 CPU 可以跑 LLaMA 7B,而且用 CPU 跑起來其實也不算慢。

後來吸引了很多人一起幫忙,於是有了不少 optimization (像是「llama.cpp 的載入速度加速」這邊用 mmap 減少需要載入的時間,並且讓多個 process 之間可以重複使用 cache),接下來又有 GPU 的支援…


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