

All the movies and stories I’ve watched and heard before just flashed before my eyes, reminding me of a vibrant society filled with smiling people. We deserve a better society.

In my early childhood, I had a dream/vision of what the world would be like. My grandpa took me across the mountains, and there I saw a futuristic metropolis. As I grew up, I discovered the reality of the world, which left me feeling disappointed. I turned to books, delving into topics such as human civilization, history, science fiction, laws of nature, the origin of life, and the mysteries of the cosmos. I started the pursuit of truth and meaning in philosophy, sought aesthetics in art, and searched for the arc of my personal life through the experiences of great minds and their stories. Through these explorations, I started writing as a means of exploration and self-expression, then stepped into technology industry. Along the way, I became lost and trapped by the demands of social reality and family expectations.

Nevertheless, I believe that I have always been on a quest to realize the vision I had from the moment I discovered who I am. I see through the present society and feel compelled to step out of my country to seek freedom for myself and people I love. I firmly believe in what I have envisioned, and I have made up my mind. It’s a lifetime endeavor that I find truly worthwhile. I will go there, and back again.


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