Hacker News 上看到 Podman Desktop 支援 Docker Compose 的消息:「Podman Desktop 1.2 Released: Compose and Kubernetes Support (podman-desktop.io)」,連結的原文是 1.2 版的 release notes:「Release Notes – Podman Desktop 1.2」。
原文提到 Compose 而不是直接講 Docker Compose,所以猜測是一個新產品,會不相容 docker compose
,但看起來會是相容的東西,最後一句就說可以用 docker-compose
或是 podman-compose
In the last month we’ve been addind support for more Compose features. Before you were only able to control a group of containers if they were in a Pod. Now we have added the ability to control a group of Compose containers. You can now start, stop, delete and restart a group of containers launched by either docker-compose
or podman-compose
雖然沒什麼在用,但我還是有透過 Flatpak 裝 Podman Desktop,需要的時候就不用另外搞。
剛剛看了一下 Flathub 上面的版本還是 1.1.0 (Podman Desktop | Flathub),要等他更新…