Google Chrome (Chromium) 宣布 115 版後將預設使用 HTTPS 連線:「Towards HTTPS by default」。
查了一下 115.0.5790.98 是 2023/07/18 就出的版本,現在才冒出這篇文章有點晚,但大概就是講一下幹了什麼事情?
We’re currently experimenting with this change in Chrome version 115, working to standardize the behavior across the web, and plan to roll out the feature to everyone soon.
主要的差異是在於,即使你輸入或是點擊的連結是 http://
,他還是會優先嘗試 HTTPS:
Chrome will automatically upgrade all http:// navigations to https://, even when you click on a link that explicitly declares http://.
只有在 http://
連結遇到 upgrade 到 HTTPS 失敗時才會回頭用 HTTP:
This works very similarly to HSTS upgrading, but Chrome will detect when these upgrades fail (e.g. due to a site providing an invalid certificate or returning a HTTP 404), and will automatically fallback to http://.
而本來就用 https://
的連線就完全不會碰 HTTP 了。
講到推動 HTTPS 這點,前陣子剛好也是 Snowden 揭露美國 PRISM (菱鏡計畫) 十年的日子,當年在揭露後也因此加速了各種加密技術的基礎建設,像是 Let’s Encrypt,而這也使得 HTTPS 更加普及,也讓 Google Chrome 現在可以預設切 HTTPS。