Backblaze 宣佈漲價:「Backblaze Product and Pricing Updates」。
其中 B2 Cloud Storage 這邊最主要的改變在 Storage 的部分,這次漲了 20%,從 $5/TB 變成 $6/TB:
Storage Price: Effective October 3, 2023, we are increasing the monthly pay-as-you-go storage rate from $5/TB to $6/TB. The price of B2 Reserve will not change.
頻寬的部分增加了一些 free quota,不過在意頻寬成本的人都會用 Cloudflare 之類的方式避開了,這個其實沒有什麼差… (因為 Backblaze 流出到 Cloudflare 的流量是不計費的)
Backblaze Computer Backup 的部分沒有什麼在碰,但看起來最主要的改變是從現有的 $7/mo 漲到 $9/mo,大約 28.57%:
Computer Backup Pricing: Effective October 3, new purchases and renewals will be $9/month, $99/year, and $189 for two-year subscription plans, and Forever Version History pricing will be $0.006/GB/month.