


Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success in NLP and multimodal tasks. However, their high costs constrain the further development of LLMs, which also brings both opportunities and challenges for academia and industry. To break down this barrier, FLM-101B employs a growth strategy and successfully lowers the cost of training a 100B-level dense model down to ¥700,000 CNY. Additionally, in order to evaluate LLMs systematically and more rationally, besides existing knowledge-based assessments, the IQ test in LLMs, whose concept is partially borrowed from psychology, is proposed. Experimental results show that the model trained with a budget of ¥700K, achieves comparable performance to powerful and well-known models and demonstrates impressive capabilities. We believe that the growth strategy offers new possibilities for breakthroughs in training 1T+ dense models.


王业全,北京智源人工智能研究院认知模型团队负责人,清华大学博士,中国中文信息学会情感计算专委会委员,2022年被评为AI 2000全球最具影响力人工智能学者(自然语言处理领域)。近年来,主要从事语言大模型、自然语言处理方面的研究工作,代表成果有 FLM-101B、FreeLM、Mu-Scaling、MSG和ATAE-LSTM等。在国际顶级会议发表多项研究成果,谷歌学术引用超过2,500次。研究成果ATAE-LSTM和RNN-Capsule被PAPER DIGEST评为最具影响力论文,同时多次入选谷歌学术刊物指标榜单。

Yequan Wang, leader of the Cognitive Model Team at BAAI. He is a member of the CIPS’ Affective Computing Committee. In 2022, he was recognized as one of the AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars in Artificial Intelligence worldwide, specifically in the Natural Language Processing (NLP). In recent years, his primary research focus has been on LLMs and NLP, with notable contributions including FLM-101B, FreeLM, Mu-Scaling, MSG, and ATAE-LSTM. He has published several research papers in top international conferences, accumulating over 2,500 citations on Google Scholar. His papers on ATAE-LSTM and RNN-Capsule are recognized by PAPER DIGEST as the most influential publications, and have been listed multiple times on Google Scholar’s influential publications index.


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